Step 1
Preoperative Evaluation & Consultation
Prior to the PRK procedure, it is suggested to begin taking 500mg of Vitamin C, twice per day and one Restasis ophthalmic drop in each eye, twice per day.
During your consultation, our staff will perform a series of tests to ensure that your eyes are healthy, suitable, and stable for laser vision correction. Your eyes will be electronically measured to create an accurate three-dimensional image of your eye’s surface.
You will also meet with our medical director and surgeon prior to your procedure. They will review the procedure and answer any questions you may have prior to your treatment.
Step 2
Epithelium Removal
A few minutes before your treatment, anesthetic eye drops will be used to numb your eyes. When your eye is completely numb, a lid speculum will be placed between your eyelids to keep you from blinking during the procedure.
Next, using an alcohol solution, your surgeon will remove the epithelium, an ultra thin layer of protective skin that covers the cornea.

Step 3
Corneal Correction
Once the epithelium is removed the laser treatment is applied.
You will be asked to look directly at a target light while the laser reshapes your cornea. The laser will be programmed with the information gathered in your pre-operative exam. The laser treatment will be completed in less than a minute or two, depending on the amount of correction needed or desired refraction.
Immediately after treatment, a bandage contact lens is placed on the eye to promote healing. Initial PRK recovery is slower than LASIK because it takes a few days for new epithelial cells to regenerate and cover the surface of the eye.

Step 4
You may experience some discomfort immediately following the procedure, so eye drops and pain medication will be prescribed to alleviate discomfort. Vision may be blurry or hazy for one to five days. Most patients resume normal activities within two to three days. Keep both eyes closed as much as possible the day of your procedure, we recommend napping!
Taking all of your medicated eye drops, as directed, will help promote healing and relieve discomfort.
Leave the plastic shields in place for the remainder of the day, and wear them while sleeping for the next 5 nights. Take precaution to not get your eyes wet when you shower or bathe.
Though an eye infection is very rare, during the rest week be careful to not get anything in your eye and do not use make-up or mascara.
You should also avoid contact sports, hot tubs, saunas, and swimming pools for 2 weeks.
All natural bodies of water; lakes, rivers, and oceans should be avoided for 6-8 weeks. All other normal activities may be resumed after the first week.

Step 5
Please obtain and bring the prescribed drops with you on the day of your procedure. Our staff will verify that the correct medication has been purchased.
Zymaxid is an antibiotic drop used to prevent infection. This drop should be placed in the operative eye(s) 2 times a day for 1 week.
Ilevro is a non-steroidal anti-in ammatory drop used to decrease in ammation and to reduce pain. Use 1 drop per day until the bottle is gone.
Pred Forte is a steroid solution used to decrease in ammation and regulate healing. Use 1 drop 4 times a day for 1 week, then 2 times a day for 4 additional weeks.
Thera Tears should be taken every 2 hours for 2 months, while you are awake. Then 1 drop 4 times a day for the next 6 months. Drops should be used 5 minutes apart to prevent one from washing out the other.
Step 6
Enjoy Life!
Imagine waking up and being able to see the alarm clock! PRK allows you to see and appreciate the little things you take for granted every day.
It’s time for you to see what you have been missing.
Start enjoying freedom from your glasses and contacts!